Posted by Eugene Ramos on

There is a way to grow your own groceries under any circumstances, whether you’re on a dangerous bug out journey, or if you’ve barricaded yourself inside the house, with all Hell breaking loose outside.

I’m talking about a 100% organic, healthy food system that you can take with you wherever you go, a portable grocery store that just keeps on giving and giving… and the yields – let me tell you: hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of food year after year, depending on how much space you have.

This amazing gardening system is:




 able to generate healthy, organic food year-round (enough to feed a family of 4),

 and more importantly, to be 100% mobile.

I knew about container gardening, but never saw it as a portable solution… but then I started thinking… Since you can grow plants in just about anything: pots, wheelbarrows, cinder blocks, old drawers, trash bags, you name it., what could possibly stop you from loading these up into your bug out vehicle in the event of an evacuation?

Plants grown in containers require less maintenance, and are less exposed to pests, disease, and extreme temperatures… They are safe from floods, hail, and other mini disasters that devastate gardens across the country every year. You won’t have to worry about annoying weeds either… all you need to “worry” about is watering your plants every now and then. Unlike aquaponics, you don NOT have to look out for them every single day...

Containers also protect your plants from extreme temperatures... and you can easily control the acidity, and the temperature of the soil…


Best of all, you can grow this garden even if you don’t have any land whatsoever… even if you live in the city…

Speaking of money, the cost of starting this amazing Bug Out Garden is extremely low… Expect to spend between $50 and $100 on everything, if you can get your hands on some containers and gardening tools at flea markets, second hand stores, and Craigslist. Heck, you can find everything besides dirt and seeds for free if you know where to look.

We all worked like slaves for the past 5 months, but we did it: we came up with the most advanced portable prepper’s food system yet, which I like to call...



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